Letra de Eagles - Wasted Time, Musica de Eagles - Wasted Time

Eagles - Wasted Time

Letra de Eagles - Wasted Time
Well baby, there you stand
with your little head, down in your hand
oh, my god, you can't believe it's happening
your baby's gone, and you're all alone
and it looks like the end.
And you're back out on the street.
and you're tryin' to remember.
how will you start it over?
you don't know what became.
you don't care much for a stranger's touch,
but you can't hold your man.
You never thought you'd be alone this far
down the line
and i know what's been on your mind
you're afraid it's all been wasted time
The autumn leaves have got you thinking
about the first time that you fell
you didn't love the boy too much, no, no
you just loved the boy to well, farewell
so you live from day to day, and you dream
about tomorrow, oh.
and the hours go by like minutes
and the shadows come to stay
so you take a little something to
make them go away
and i could have done so many things, baby
if i could only stop my mind from wondrin' what
i left behind and from worrying 'bout this wasted time
Ooh, another love has come and gone
ooh, and the years keep rushing on
i remember what you told me before you went out on your own:
"sometimes to keep it together, we got to leave it alone."
so you can get on with your search, baby, and i can
get on with mine
and maybe someday we will find , that it wasn't really
wasted time
oh hoo, ooh, ohh,
ooh,ooh, mm


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